Eynsham achieves Primary Science Mark!
We are delighted to announce that the school was informed earlier this week that we have been successful in achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark (from Hertfordshire University). From September 2019 to February 2021, Mr Wyatt took part in a CPD programme that focused on developing effective, confident science leadership for whole school impact on science teaching and learning. Achieving the mark involved setting ourselves targets (in areas such as assessment, use of resources, engagement and enquiry, cross-curricular links, developing science capital for all learners, building community links, having clear goals and values in science, and in supporting all of our learners) in our teaching of science, meeting those targets, then providing evidence (through written reflections and a portfolio) to show the impact that had been made. Securing PSQM status for our school for the next three years has been a great achievement; Mr Wyatt and the rest of the staff are now keen to take our teaching of science from strength to strength.