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02.10 Recognising how artists use shape in drawing.

01.10 English Hook Lesson

Today in English we had our Hook lesson to introduce the children to our new writing unit, job descriptions. We identified lots of different jobs and skills people need to do them. After, we went to the marsh and became archaeologists. We discussed what the job was, what they do, and what skills people need to become one. 


In the drama, the children dug up and excavated lots of Stone Age items. They showed us that they needed to be curious, determined, careful, persistent, and have attention to detail. In the next few lessons, we will be exploring how to write a job description for an archaeologist. 

Year 3/4 Tennis Festival at Bartholomew School

Stone Age Day

On Wednesday 25th September, Year 3 had a fantastic Stone Age Day! It was an opportunity for the children to dress up and share some of the experiences of these pre-historic hunter gatherers. We learnt about the three eras in the Stone Age, the Palaeolithic Era, Mesolithic Era, and Neolithic Era in more detail, practised some Stone Age weaving, and created our own cave paintings.


Have a look at some of our photos from the day.


Our first writing focus is to add a new adventure to a story using our class text, Stone Age Boy. The children have enjoyed learning the events in the story, drawing a story map and discussing the Stone Age references throughout. We have explored a model text and found examples of key grammatical features, including similes and expanded noun phrases. The children were then taught how to use these features in their writing. See below some examples of their work.


In the next few lessons, we will be planning and writing a new adventure for Luke and Om. We look forward to sharing some of our adventures with you.


Watch this space  ðŸ˜Š

Stone Age Boy - Story Map


Similes are a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more impactful.

Expanded Noun Phrases

An expanded noun phrase is a descriptive phrase made up of a noun (naming word: person, place or thing) and at least one adjective (describing word). When more than one adjective has been used a comma is used to separate them. 
