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Nightingales Class Page 23/24

Welcome to Nightingales Class Page! Please pop by for regular updates of our learning.

My name is Mr Wilson, and I am the Nightingale’s class teacher. This is my first year at Eynsham and my first year as a teacher having previously been a professional actor. I love Shakespeare, and still act in my free time. Look out for Hamlet at Oxford Castle this summer! In my spare time I love reading comics and books, playing video games, board games and watching films. I also love to play sports. I play ice or roller hockey when I can as well as following the Oxford City Stars. I play football locally and I support the mighty (not currently) Reading FC. My claims to fame are having played football with Cristiano Ronaldo and I was in a terrible KFC commercial.

Last week year 3 visited the Living Rainforest in Newbury. The children were fascinated by the plants and animals they’d been learning about in class and were able to make connections to their work. We all enjoyed the warmer temperature for the day, and we had a fantastic tour where we learned more about plant and animal adaptations as well as the layers of the rainforest.

Last week we had a visit from Jungle Jonathan. He talked to the children about animals that could be found in the Amazon rainforest and a few others too. The children loved having the chance to hold a Madagascan fire millipede Maisie and a giant hooded katydid called Katy. They even had a kiss on the nose from a Woma python called Margot (named after Margot Robbie aka Barbie).

This week in science, year 3 have been looking closely at skeletons. We looked at our own skeleton and its uses before looking more closely at other animals and the different types of skeletons across species. The children really enjoyed putting together a skeleton and labelling the parts before sorting animals into their skeletal groups.

In science we have been looking at Animals Including Humans and we have been learning about the Eatwell Plate.  We also spent an afternoon looking at food packaging and discovering how much sugar and salt are in different products and deciding whether or not we thought they were a healthy choice.  

This term we are learning all about the Amazon rainforest and in English we have been working on The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry.

We have been doing lots of role-play and drama in English to discover how animals from the rainforest move and what they might say if they could speak.  To do this, we looked at deforestation and what losing trees would mean to these animals. 

We then used the verbs, adverbs and direct speech we discovered in our stories back in class.



During our English, we have been focusing on two different texts, these are: Stone Age Boy and The Iron Man. We have learnt new skills with our writing including fronted adverbials and paragraphing; we have also had a huge focus on the vocabulary we choose to use within our writing. We have brilliant Vocab Vaults in our classrooms; these really help us to select high level vocabulary. 

Today in Maths, we have been looking at finding our number bonds to ten to cross the hundred when adding! Here is two really good examples of our Maths work.

This term in Year 3, we have been learning all about the Stone Age, it's a really exciting topic where we have been learning many different things! We have learnt about the different periods within the Stone Age, this was difficult to understand at first, but when we created our mind maps this really helped! You can see a photo of this below. We also did some cave drawings; just like the people who lived in the Stone Age! We have also had our parents in this week and we taught them all about Stonehenge, pictures of our buildings will be available soon. 
