Puffin Class Page 23/24
Welcome to Puffin's Class Page! Please pop by for regular updates of our learning.

W.C 6.5.24
As a hook into our English Lesson, today we have been on a scavenger hunt to find out what creature we will be writing our non-chronological report about. We had to hunt for clues and facts and discuss these as a class-which finally gave us the answer that our creature would be a jellyfish.

29.4.24 Our wonderful May Day Parade Outfits!
W.C 29.5.24
This week, we were so lucky; Jack brought in some fantastic show and tell! He stood at the front of the class and told us all about the beehive, let us try on the hat and explained different facts about the Bees. How brave! We were even lucky enough to taste the fresh honey after his explanation. Great Job Jack!

W.C 22.4.24
This term in RE, the children have been learning about Judaism. This week we have been thinking about the story of creation; the children had to create their favourite day, from the Creation Story, out of nature. Please see their wonderful work in the photos.

W.C 4.3.24
World Book Day!!
Today we have celebrated World Book Day!
We have had many fun activities, including: creating book tokens, book marks and reading with our book buddies. The children have also enjoyed making their very own story book and dancing in assembly!
Well done to our brilliant winners Orin and Tom!
W.C 4.3.24
Bookie Brekkie!
Thank you to all the children that joined us for Bookie Brekkie! We had a super time and enjoyed a yummy breakfast whilst listening to a funny story.

W.C 4.3.24
This week in Puffins class we have been making puppets in Design and Technology. We started by cutting out the template, then joining using a hot glue gun..this was a very exciting part! We then added our own embellishments to our puppets. Please see our finished pieces below!

W.C 26.2.24
Jungle Johnathan Roadshow!
Today, Jungle Johnathan came into school to see the Year 1 children. The children learnt lots of facts and got to meet lots of different minibeasts and snakes. We had a lovely afternoon! If you would like to see more about the Roadshow here is the website link: https://jonathansjungleroadshow.co.uk/
If you would like to see your child with the snake, please ask Miss Rayfield.
W.C 5.2.24. Our Journey through the Wild West!

W.C 5.2.24
This week in Puffins class, we have been getting very arty! The children have enjoyed taking part in this terms unit, Paper Play. They were challenged and taught to manipulate paper in various ways to create their very own sculptures. Please see the photos of our brilliant artists below.
W.C 1.2.24
Invitation writing hook lesson
Today the children had a very exciting hook lesson for our new unit of work in English, invitation writing. After break, they found an invitation to Miss Rayfield’s Rainbow party. As a class, we explored the invitation to make sure we know the key details, for example, where it is, when it is, what time it is. After the party, we talked about why we use invitations, if anyone had ever written an invitation, and why invitations need those key details on them. In the next few lessons, the children will explore a range of invitations, judging their effectiveness, before creating their own.
W.C 8.1.24
Happy New Year! Today, the children have been exploring their new class text, during this time, they were encouraged to ask questions and make inferences about what they thought would happen in the story. To hook the children into the unit, we then thought about what topping they would put on Mama Panya’s pancakes if they were to make them; we then had a taste!

W.C 4.12

Today in Maths, we have been learning about odd and even numbers. This is the first time we explored this concept; it was really interesting but a little tricky! We used the Numicon to help us; we found out that if the Numicon had a special friend, that meant it was an even number, and if it didn't have a special friend and there was a gap, it meant it was an odd number. We then changed these representations into numbers. Well done Puffins!
W.C 27.11.23

This week in Maths we have been learning all about shape. Today we have been creating sculptures with 3D shapes; we had to be able to explain what shapes we had used and their properties.
W.C 30.10.23
This week, we have been to the Witney Museum and explored! We learnt many things when we were first got there including the History of Witney; Dave-the gentleman that worked there-showed us around the ground floor. We got to see models of the Witney Church and the old Witney Railway; this transported some of the wool around Witney and local areas. Whilst downstairs; we also got to have a go on an old telephone!
After this, we went to the upstairs part of the museum. The upstairs was all about Witney Blankets, our topic! We recapped our learning about the story of sheep to blanket, heard all about world record blanket makers and Mr Early-he was the founder of Witney Blankets! We had a go at trying on blankets, that horseman used to wear and got to snuggle up in other blankets.
W.C 30.10.23

Today in English, we have been taking part in the hook lesson of our new unit; our book is called ‘My Two Blankets’. Cartwheel-the main character- makes something new with her blanket, therefore, the children were challenged to create something with their blankets. They had to use their imagination to think of the most inventive idea of what to use a blanket for.
18.10.23 - RE The Creation Story
Today in RE, the children have been learning about the Christian story of creation. They firstly thought about who God was and linked this back to their creator lesson; we discussed the importance of God to Christians and how they might feel about the world knowing who created it. The children were then exposed to creation story, we read through the story and looked closely at the pictures. The children were given printed copies of the pictures in the story and had to order them; they were encouraged to verbalise to their partner what was happening in each part of the story.
18.10.23 - RE Creations
Today in RE, the children have been beginning to understand the concept of what a creator is. They explored something their teacher has created and how it feels to be given feedback on a creation. It was then time to make their own creation; the children went on a scavenger hunt to find things in the outside area. When they came back, they made a ‘creation’ with the resources that they found. The children were then asked, ‘How do you feel about your creation and ‘How would like it to be treated?’.
W.C 2.10.23
Today in English, the children have been exploring what instructions are and, more importantly, what makes a good set of instructions.
As a hook into this unit of work, the children had to explain to their teacher how to make a jam and butter sandwich. The children had to be careful to give very clear precise instructions to allow their teacher to succeed. This turned out to be a very messy and funny hook into our new unit of work!
W.C 2.10.23
Today, the Puffins have had the excitement of Science Oxford coming to visit! We have learnt all about buoyancy and different materials that are able to float on water. We had lots of time to investigate the different materials and then test our rafts; this ended in us all having a successful raft that floated in the floatation tank.
W.C 25.9.23
In English this week, the children have been learning all about editing. This is the first editing lesson children have ever done, therefore we learnt what it meant to edit and why we do it and spoke about why it’s ok to make mistakes and not be perfect first time. We spent time working on big pieces of paper, looking at sentences that had mistakes and spotting them. There were some sentences with missing capitals and full stops and some with adjectives to improve or missing adjectives all together.

W.C 25.9.23
Today in English, the children worked together to identify different features in a setting description. We found capital letters, full stops, nouns, adjectives and the five senses; all things that we have been learning about during this unit in English. It is important for Year 1 children to be able to remember the model text to support them when writing their own setting description, therefore, during the lesson, we also rehearsed the model text lots of times.
W.C 11.9.23
Today in Maths, the children have been learning all about ordering numbers from 1-10, how they're a sequence and what happens if we take numbers out of the sequence. We explored this using multilink and relating our learning to Numberblocks.

W.C 11.9.23
This is Penny the Puffin, she is our class friend. Penny will be visiting different homes every week in Puffin class, she looks forward to spending her time with you.
W.C 5.9.23
Today in Year 1 we did our first Art Lesson of our new unit ‘Mark Your Mark’. Our first lesson was all about different lines that we could create. We firstly spoke about Bridget Riley, an artist who uses lines to create her Artwork. We then talked about the different lines we could create; vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and wavy. We used this learning to make lines with string and then used chalk to draw them onto black card.