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Letter from Mrs Bayliss about Autumn Term

Thursday 15th July 2021


Dear Parents & Carers


As the country comes out of lockdown and restriction measures look to ease, I am starting to plan for the new term ahead. From Thursday 2nd September 2021, we hope to be able to welcome all parents/carers back onto site during the school drop off/collection times.


If all is back to normal, Parents/Carers of year groups 1-6 will, once again, be able to come through the main gate from 8.35am to take their child to their classroom and again to collect their child at the end of the school day, 3.05pm. Nursery and foundation stage will continue to use the black side gate, in front of the Earlyworld building.


A final letter will be sent out the week commencing 30th August, confirming this, and providing further details on timings and locations of your child’s new classroom area as we realise it has been a while since parents/carers have been onto the school grounds.


Year 6 Classrooms


Over the summer holidays, we are excited to be having two new classrooms built (in the area which was Hummingbirds class) these will be for our two Year 6 classes. There is a high possibility that the work may not be finished in time for our return on 2nd September, if this happens, Year 6 will be based in other areas around the school for the short-term. Again, I will be able to provide an update on the timescales of the build when I write again week commencing 30th August.


Covid-19 Guidance

Government advice recommends that all schools ensure staff, parents and carers are aware of the following information and relevant arrangements regarding positive cases in the holidays:

• For the first 6 days after teaching ends, if a pupil or staff member tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms or they have tested positive with a lateral flow device (LFD) test (and will subsequently need to book a confirmatory PCR test) within 2 days of being in school, the school is asked to assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual may have been infectious whilst in school.

• Where a pupil or staff member tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms or they have tested positive with a lateral flow device (LFD) test (and will subsequently need to book a confirmatory PCR test) more than 2 days since being in school, the school should NOT be contacted. Parents and carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.

• School staff are not asked to remain on-call or conduct any contact tracing more than 6 days after the final day of teaching. Where a schools last teaching day is on Wednesday 21st July, there should be no pupil contact tracing asks beyond Tuesday 27th July. Staff responsible for contact tracing may designate a limited period in the day to receive notification of positive cases and advise close contacts to self-isolate (this can be done by email).

The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline and PHE advice service are available to support with any queries you have about positive cases in your school. Where pupils are required to self-isolate due to contact with a positive case after the first 6 days following the end of term, schools do not need to be informed about their absence until the first day of the new term. Therefore, if anyone tests positive for Coronavirus (COVID_19) during the summer holidays having developed symptoms within 2 days of being in school, please can you email Mrs Bayliss on;


Please do not telephone or email the office as it will be closed from Thursday 22nd July and any messages will not be picked up until we return on 1 st September.


Kind Regards

Ginny Bayliss

Executive Headteacher Eynsham Primary School
